training center with accredited MECHATRONICS programs


Klett EDU

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Klett EDU

Vocational education.


Klett EDU provides dual education and vocational training for adults in cooperation with its partner companies. Our educational and training model provides our learners with long-term and sound prospects for employment, while companies are concurrently provided with qualified workers who, apart from performing their regular jobs, also have the necessary competencies for identifying and resolving eventual problems. The modern curriculum implemented by our creative and efficient teaching staff is the hallmark of our education center.

Klett EDU



Industrial Mechatronics

Our educational programme introduces the learners to the multidisciplinary professional area of mechatronics, which is based on integrated principles of mechanical, electrical and computer engineering.

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RECRUITMENT AND upskilling packages

Special programmes to attract new employees.

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Enable your employees to improve the maintenance of pneumatic systems.

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Learn German

German language courses

Guten Tag!

Learn German with excellent teachers as well as modern methods and textbooks.

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More Information for companies


Klett edu




Mechatronics as a multidisciplinary field is indispensable in all industries that have production. This is one of the reasons why local and international companies operating in Serbia and the region, as well as individual participants who want a high level of knowledge, have been interested in our accredited mechatronics programs since the beginning. Our model of approach to creating programs and exercises is directly aimed at the immediate usability of all acquired knowledge in real situations.

relevant content

The Klett EDU curricula were developed in cooperation with German and Serbian technical and didactic experts and are tailored to the needs of the Serbian economy. Whether we are talking about mechatronics, pneumatics or German language courses, we cover an extensive field of relevant content i.e. applicable knowledge and skills.


Active learning

Active learning is at the heart of our dual education approach.

From the curricula we develop so-called learning situations, in which the students are given tasks that they have to solve on their own responsibility guided by teachers. Beside professional, students acquire problem solving skills that are directly transferable to their occupation.

The "Model of Complete Action", successfully used in German vocational training programs, serves as a guiding principle. It shows the implementation of the task in six steps from the first collection of relevant information to the evaluation of the result as illustrated in this video:


At Klett EDU, we learn how to solve problems, and we learn how to solve them within the team. We have no doubt that only a good attitude towards both, professional and social environment, will qualify for dynamic changes in workplaces in the future.

Klett edu